Web-based Software Service
for Remote Signal Monitoring


Real-Time Remote Event Monitoring 

WebAlarm® is a web-based alarm receiving platform that receives real-time signals from ControlFreq PRO+4G alarm communicators in remote locations. The received signals are then sent to relevent stakeholders per location by email, voice call, SMS and other modern communication methods. WebAlarm® is a real-time monitoring window into an estate of any size detecting virtually any kind of alarm, fault or emergency event. Regardless of the 3rd party system being monitored, WebAlarm® will transform the way your events are delivered!

  • Connectivity monitored
  • SMS, voice, email & web 
  • Early warning system 

Instant alarm signals sent to SMS, voice, email & ARC.

  • Fully event logged
  • Custom OEM branding
  • Web-based software

 WebAlarm® Overview

Remotely monitor remote assets, in real-time, from a web browser!

It really is as easy as it sounds. Each location being monitored requires a PRO+4G communicator on site, SIM card and a web browser. Your assets, being monitored remotely – onine.

Service-based companies, responsible for technical system uptime, it's important to know in realtime exactly what's happening on client sites. 

As an example, a current customer is utilising WebAlarm, combined with LANDLINE-4G, to feed realtime events over a customer API integration into their own BMS software. This reports realtime events from emergency phones in lifts. The integration reports 'call initiated', 'call in progress', ''call terminated' to log the emergency call information in the BMS.

WebAlarm is designed to operate like an in-house 'alarm receiving centre' (A.R.C.) – from a web-browser. It can also simultaneously send some alarm signal triggers to an emergency response ARC for pure system visibility internally and externally.

WebAlarm® event logs all live & test signal events while also live monitoring the connectivity of the mobile GSM hardware.

WebAlarm® is  a live window into the alarm condition on estate of any size providing service & support engineers  pro-active insight into clients' hardware in the field.

Upgrade Legacy SMS diallers to WebAlarm®FLOW

WebAlarm®FLOW is a fully automated alarm notification delivery service – triggered by an SMS from any ControlFreq or 3rd party system.  The FLOW runs when a trigger SMS is received with any 'trigger word'.

View WebAlarm®FLOW