UK 'on-demand' parking technology provider, YourParkingSpace uses ControlFreq 4G access as their weapon of choice.
YourParkingSpace are one of the most forward-thinking UK 'on-demand' parking technology providers in the world, utiIising a winning combination of next-generation hardware, software & solution-focused offerings to provide car park owners the most advanced parking management solutions available. ControlFreq has been helping YourParkingSpace reshape the parking industry since 2016 – and we're only just getting started!

The Challenge
In order to sell 3rd party parking spaces via the Online Parking Marketplace, YourParkingSpace needed a mobile-connected access control system with API management to enable secure user access for pre-book customers while simultaneously streamlining the day to day operations for the site management team.

The Solution
ControlFreq designed & built a custom-designed 4G access control pillar including a range of access methods to suit a variety of car park users. An inbuilt pinpad offers a simple on-demand code-based entry for pre-book parkers. The QR-reader is also for pre-book users who can simply show their booking confirmation QR code to the reader to gain access. The 4G audio help intercom is for anyone that needs assistance. It calls through to the main building reception who can open the barrier for authorised visitors. The system was also equipped with a long-range ID vehicle reader to automatically detect authorised permanent user vehicles within the 10m range and open the barrier without any user input. The whole system is managed remotely using the ControlFreq API for the prebook parkers via the YourParkingSpace app. The building reception have access to a web-browser app to manage visitors, permanent staff and contractors. They can also set hold-open time clocks & check event logs.

The Outcome
By implementing ControlFreq 4G access control with API user management, YourParkingSpace is now able to retrofit legacy car park technology at their client locations, in just a few hours bringing car parks into the 21st century. As well as uplifting parking revenues by introducing new daily pre-book users, YourParkingSpace simultaneously streamline a client's previously inefficient day to day user management with an unbeatable approach of purpose-built access control hardware, software and processes. YourParkingSpace deliver game changing parking technology for both car parks, and parking operators, large and small.

ControlFreq 4G access control is fully integrated with revenue-generating on-demand parking services...
"Since the start of our journey, ControlFreq have been instrumental in the growth of YourParkingSpace, providing the access control hardware, software and exceptional tech support for remotely API-managed user access to our clients' secure car parks. Using ControlFreq access control, YourParkingSpace has transformed UK parking, progressing pilot trials through to national rollout contracts for multi-national corporate clients, followed by a £120M acquisition by Flowbird, one of the biggest parking companies in the world".
Out with the clunky legacy ticket spitters...
In with the all-in-one retrofit – ALHAPOST-4G
Upgraded to the future in just a few hours

Is it time to upgrade your car park?
ControlFreq offers a wide range of professional-grade GSM products for access control, door entry & alarm. If you'd like to enquire about using our kit for a different application you can always reach us...
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