ControlFreq GSM systems are configured, monitored & managed using a powerful online tool via any web browser. The web portal is designed for Installers & Integrators to not only initially configure the hardware but more importantly as a revenue-generating service tool for managing devices on behalf of their customers.

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LOGIN: Your brand or ours.

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LIVE ALARM TABLEList view of live events

When ControlFreq communicators send alarms into WebAlarm, they appear in the LIVE screens pending operator handling. Live events are cleared as required. Historical events are stored under 'location history'.





LIVE ALARM MAP: Map view of live events

The WebAlarm map uses markers as a live status system. When all is well, they're green. Connectvity issues are signalled by a blinking amber and triggered when the device doesn't report to the server for 'x' minutes. Live alarms blink red, sound an auible tone, send emails and SMS, slack etc.





LIVE ALARM STATUS: Out-of-ordinary ARM/DISARM events

WebAlarm site managememt allows monitoring and logging of arm & disarm events in realtime. This priceless management information empowers efficient operations.




LOCATIONS & HISTORY: The historical picture.

WebAlarm locations & history allows location updates and provides an historical event log, site by site, with name, time, date filters to quickly find what you're after.





SITE MANAGEMENT: Puts the device on the map

WebAlarm site management tells the software a device exists and where. With the hardware configured via the ControlFreq web management portal, a link is made whereby the software constantly polls the hardware to check it's OK. Simultaneously, the hardware reports detected acivity instantly to the software. WebAlarm is the perfect mix of hardware, software & mobile connectivity to deliver the results you need. The perfect team.



USER MANAGEMENT: Who can do what where, logged.

WebAlarm user managementallows users with admin rights manage and monitor team activity of the wider operation.





WebAlarm. If an alarm happens, anywhere, anytime, you know - immediately!


Join the 'new website' mailing list to hear about the official launch. WebAlarm is available for demo and purchase. Call 020 3478 0786.