No single mobile network is perfect which is why EvolveSIM exists. Evolve benefits from the best connectivity of each provider's coverage while mitigating the inevitable shortcomings of relying on any one provider. EvolveSIM automatically connects to the best network signal it can find - making system installation simple. If the SIM loses signal, it searches for another network, automatically! This is the holy grail for mission critical applications. When failure is not an option, choose EvolveSIM.


Not all Multi-networks SIM cards are created equal. Most roaming SIM offers available in the U.K. promise multi-network connectivity but in reality the SIM favours one 'home network' provider and clings on to the absolute lowest of signal without looking for another network. This is known in the industry as 'steered' and not the most reliable option. Steered connectivity is true of a large section of UK based SIM card providers, or pop-up shop resellers, but it isn't true 'multi-network' roaming. EvolveSIM, however, freely roams the airwaves, without bias, and connects to the best of the 4 major UK networks. This is because the EvolveSIM is not associated with any one of the major UK networks - it's independent. This is known in the industry as 'unsteered' and true mobile roaming connectivity.

Reliability is at the core of the Controlfreq brand. We're dedicated to making mobile systems work and keeping them working for our customers, globally. For that, we need a SIM service with reliable global connectivity. That's why we choose EvolveSIM. For everything else we have 7-day phone support.

To order EvolveSIM, please read the overview below. Continue to pricing, terms of sale and online application. Your SIM will arrive next business day if ordered before 1pm. UK customers only.