The best way to flush out rogue parkers ever known! Simply piggy-back the existing system with EKEY-4G and phase old fobs immediately!
Radio-remote controls have long been associated with gate, barrier and shutter access. They are a highly convenient 'keyring' button to open any gated entry, however, they are not typically very secure.
Lost or stolen remote controls are rarely removed from the system meaning a fob in the wrong hands introduces rogue parking and car park security is compromised.
EFOB-4G are 128bit (can not be duplicated) handheld keyfobs with a web-based fob management system to individually add, restrict and delete fobs on-demand.
This level of control over an individual fob user enables the convenience of handheld forb for the user while adding an additional security layer for the car park owner.
The web-based management system enables a high levekl of security restrictions to be placed on a fob controlling when it can be used, and more importantly when not, to ensure the car park access is kept under full control.
EFOB-4G is an instant 'retrofit' solution to pre-existing rogue parking issues casued by a poorly managed legacy access system.
Simply add EFOB-4G to the existing system, ie: piggyback the existing remote control system, and phase out old remote controls. When all authorised users are on EFOB, the old radio receiver is removed and all legacy fobs will be instantly disabled.
From that point forward, all fobs are managed online by the car park owner/manager.